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Wayfinders Homecoming - Spring Awakening, Grounding & Rewilding

LOU CALEN - Cotignac - Provence - France

Von 30. Mar 2025 bis 4. Apr 2025

Über diese Reise

Have you ever wondered what if? What if there was a place where all the Wayfinders and seekers could come together and just be? Support each other and spend time together, play together, sit by the fire together in the evening under the starlight?

What if for one week this dream could become a reality? In a beautiful magical place in the South of France. Where we can gather and rejoyce, recharge and rewild. Together in a small and intimate group we can feel what it means to be truly alive - the power of the present moment together as a tribe, all in one place at the same time.

Remember what we were put here for. Remember why we do what we do. Remember the importance of what we do. Remember who we are and who we can be when we are surrounded by a supportive community that simply gets it.

We all have been through a transformative program. Now many of us are back on our own, at least in our daily work. Our work matters. Deeply and more than ever. Live it to give it is one of our most important principles. Where to WE go to recharge? Where do WE go to transmute and grow and transform even more? Who takes care of the empaths?

What if for a moment in time we could all come together and do just that? And from there take the next leap into whatever is the change we have been calling in.

For some of us it may be simply rest and play and just enjoy the nourishment of each other's company to reconnect with our roots and remember our practices and tools together and more deeply.

For others it might be to soak in the support and feedback and all the coaching we can get in safe community to muster up the courage to fully launch that business and finally leave that job behind to coach full time or any other brave, big leap that's been calling us.

Or what if our next giant leap was to simply honor our nature of being cyclical creative beings and truly give our bodies, hearts and minds more rest and creativity and play, and do work and business in a more aligned and gentle way?

Whatever it is, times are calling for safety and the power of community.

Let's together be our anquors and grounding into what we know deep down is possible. Let's feel it in the marrow of our bones. Let's lift each other into the next chapter. No one ever said we have to do this alone and it cannot be fun, too. Let's gather. Let's dance to the light and sounds of spring. Let's come back home of a week of sisterhood, soaring.


  • Deep belonging in a small handpicked community of fellow Wayfinders who just get you
  • A truly magical place set in a truly magical village - typically provençal with thousands of years of history being recognized as "Plus Beaux Villages de France"
  • A charming, "rustic-chique" Eco-hotel, lovingly renovated with a legendary history
  • Daily organic and locally sourced Green Michelin Star cuisine
  • Heartwarming and authentic staff
  • A wild and free coastal hike by the wild shore of the Côte d'azur to reconnect to your own wild Self and receive the guidance and nourishment you seek - from Mother Nature herself, your own deep inner wisdom, and the collective power of community
  • Several community and 1:1 preparation calls and more to set our intentions to make the most of our time together and grow as a group before the retreat so when we finally meet in person it feels like a coming home.
  • Follow-up community calls for accountability & support to continue to harvest from our wild adventure together far into the future, stay connected and keep co-creating that magic that we started.
  • A deeply caring host who commits fully to living and encouraging each other unapologetically to live it to give it, to live out loud and bold and bright, and embody what we all live to give
  • The title of the retreat is grounding and rewilding. The subtitles are ease, peace, abundance, community and belonging


Wayfinder - Katharina


Trained and certified as a Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach, Katharina has been many things in this life. Passionate teacher & wild child, visual artist & street art maker living the artists’s dream in the bohemian quarters of Paris, graphic designer & wanna-be writer, expat hasbeen & live-abroad dinner party host in France, USA & Canada, totally lit adventurer & globe trotter, global forum leader, depressed solo retreater, sun lover, lavender chaser and most importantly: radically sensitive optimist and stubborn dreamer.

With a long lasting history as a recovering people pleaser and empath, struggling with anxiety despite exterior success, her mission is now to bring more healing, peace and ease into this world, while simultaneously pouring all her past lives into one container to help people breathe more, care less what other people think, and bravely create a life and legacy that is truly theirs. Transforming places and lives, one destiny and dream at a time.

Learn more:


This precious time together is all about belonging in a very special community, maybe the most belonging we have ever felt, with our own wild selves and others, in a magical place with delicious food, kindred spirits and souls of like-hearted womxn. 

For some of us it may also be about reigniting and strengthening our vision, our values and our personal practices, our feeling ALIVE.

Our overarching theme is HOMECOMING and NOURISHMENT for body, mind, spirit and soul. As coaches, seekers, Wayfinders, empaths, creatives and sensitive peeps, and many of us also as mamas, we GIVE BIG, so we also need to RESTORE BIG.

Times are calling for healing and SAFETY IN COMMUNITY for our nervous systems as well as GROUNDING & REWILDING to RECONNECT with our deepest essence and life's calling, mission and purpose, to bring about TOGETHER the changes we need and have been calling in.

We are being very pampered by our host, Lou Calen, to support us in this endeavor, and use the beautiful communal areas and gardens to work and play together with Open Space facilitation, Wayfinding and circle.

Just like us, Lou Calen is growing every day, many new spaces and pockets have grown since last time I saw it, so we'll find some great spaces. All in all the whole vision and values of Lou Calen really mirror this project. The village of Cotignac is a pretty special mystical place, too.

To top it off, we will also go on some explorations in and around the village as well as - my personal favorite - a day hike/walk along the wild coast near legendary Saint Tropez, but far away from the jetset. We are talking a wild trail, lined with pine trees, evergreens, cork oaks and rocks. The air and soil are truly magnetic there. 


How will we spend our time together?

We will structure most days in two halfs, one half open space style, to play, rest, spend time together or on our own, one half exploring, e.g. village or market day or our wild coastal hike.

The OPEN SPACE TIME is for various types of activities or free time or solo/rest time, we can co-design and co-create this together with lots of free flow to choose from.

You are warmly invited to bring your own ideas and initiate an activity. This is YOUR time with YOUR gang. It can vary from light and fun play time, to workshoping business ideas, to deep inner work and coaching.

Here are some ideas:
o Let's have coffee together in this cute café we saw during the village tour and talk about X
o Let's meditate by the lavender field at 3,
o Let's co-create an all female queer run business idea on coaching and wildlife
o Let's start a podcast together,
o Let's brainstorm and group coach together and then start a quiet revolution 
o Let's exchange coaching by the fire place,
o I'd love to try this new tool/workshop idea, who wants to be my guinea pig?
o  Who can help me launch my dream project about tulips and sea shells for seniors in Antwerp?
o Let's go on a sketchbook tour by the old amphitheater.
o Let's brainstorm what we do next.
o Let's just chat or paint the afternoon away by the fountain and meet the villagers.

There will be a daily program overview and flip chart of what the day will look like plus space to fill in for you all to see who would like to do what, when, with whom, where to meet, who would like to join etc.

The rest of the time we can explore the beautiful premises, the village, market day and during our coastal walk day the reconnect with the wilderness of the beach and rocks and vegetation, eat delicious food, thank the wonderful staff... give each other hugs and laugh. Wake up in the morning already hearing laughter out on the patio or by the olive trees.

We top off every day with circle time to harvest the abundance we have created together in conversations that truly matter, foster belonging and move us inward and forward.

Here's a sneak peek of our program:

Soft landing · Welcome Circle

Getting to know each other · Exploring Lou Calen and our picturesque village · Open Space time · Evening Circle

A fabulous adventure in the heart of the village for Provençal market day (perfect for tasting local specialties, hunting for souvenirs and shopping) · Open Space time · Evening Circle

Our big adventure, the wild and free coastal hike by the Ocean · including Open Space time out in the wild

All day open space for co-creation, doing all the things we still have on our bucket list · Closing Circle · Festive final evening banquet

Hugs and farewell · Onward to our next adventure, knowing we have each others' backs

You will receive a detailed package with all information for travel, what to bring, and our final program as we get closer to our time together.


LOU CALEN - Cotignac - Provence - France

Check-in Zeit: 15:00

Check-out Zeit: 11:00

Was dieses Hotel bietet:

Several beautifully landscaped gardens, nature zones and swimming pools

A vegetable garden, a vineyard, a lavender field (yes indeed)

Depending on the season, organic lawn mowers, aka sheep

Outdoor dining with Green Michelin Star cuisine, always multiple lovingly prepared courses, served by delightful and authentic staff

A rich and legendary history now being newly revived and "rewilded"



Lovingly newly renovated with lots of care

Rich and lush gardens with cozy secret nooks and plenty of spots to discover to wander and wonder and spend time for small intimate conversations or replenish in stillness & solo time

Super sweet staff


Verpflegung und Ausstattung

Every day we will be fed and nourished by our renowned chef Benoît Witz with a multi course provençal dinner that has earned the restaurant "Jardin Secret" a Green Michelin Star.

Nestled in a beautiful, wild, organic garden with its own vineyard and lavender field, underneath centennial olive trees, we will sit together at a long dinner table, like straight out of a fairytale.

You will immediately notice the loving attention to detail and decor, subtle, charming, with sustainability at heart. You will then be welcomed by the sweet and attentive staff that you wish you could take with you back home. No, that is not included in the booking! :-)

We will eat there most days, either lunch or dinner, long and abundant in time, like the French do (excluding arrival and departure day where we can all ease in at our own pace, and our hiking day where we will be well looked after by the kitchen staff with a yummy packed lunch to take with us and enjoy by the Ocean).

Please let us know about your dietary needs.

The rest of the daily eating times are open, first because a two to three hour four course meal is usually enough for a while, and also because the village features many beautiful restaurants, brasseries, bistrots and cafés, so we want to give you the opportunity to also roam freely and explore the many cute coptions and choose your favorites. Don't worry, we'll give you plenty of tips and recommendations! 

Gesundheits- und Coronaregelungen

Basic physical fitness and mental health are required. Please let us know about any allergies or intolerances when booking, or any other concerns or questions.

Reisebedingungen und Informationen

There is a minimum of 5 participants.
Transport & Travel insurance is not included.

Please refrain from booking your flight and transportation or other travel arrangements until we notify you that we have reached the minimum of 5 participants. We will do so on Jan 25, 2025 at the latest, to give you ample time for good deals and travel plans. 

The beautifully and lovingly renovated Eco-friendly boutique hotel LOU CALEN is located in the heart of Cotignac in the South of France.

We will follow up with a package for travel trips and more to poke your creative dreaming and scheming skills and for your peace of mind.

Hotel Lou Calen
1 Cr Gambetta
83570 Cotignac
See on Google Maps

Early bird information

Make sure to save your spot before Jan 5 to secure yourself an early bird ticket. Book before Jan 25 to make sure you get a spot.

Early bird ends on Jan 5, 2025.
Prices will go up after that.

The first three beautiful souls to book receive a fragrant greeting gift from Provence to set the mood via mail while it's still winter time in the Northern hemisphere.

Got more Questions?

Got questions regarding the Retreat? Email Katharina at
Got questions regarding booking and travel insurance? Email Philipp at


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